Brisbane based SEO experts Andy Henderson (from WebConsulting) and Llew Jury (Reload Media) were both extensively quoted in today’s Nett article about the anticipated impact on the recent changes to Google SERPs..
Within the last few weeks dramatic changes to Googles search result pages have been released worldwide, these include Google Instant, Instant Preview and significant changes to the way that Google Places listing are incorporated into the SERPs.
Google Instant – is in some ways Google Suggest on steroids, but instead of just presenting suggested search keywords while a query is being typed, the actual search results are dynamically updated on the basis of the portion of the keyword you’ve already entered. Google Instant was launched on 8 September.
Instant Preview – provides visual snapshots of the web sites returned in the search results. A preview of the web page is generated to the right of the search results, which allows a fast preview of all the search results by simply hovering the mouse cursor over the magnifying glass icon for each respective result.
For an overview of the changes, and an outline of the opinions of Llew and Andy on the longer term impact the changes may have on the way people may use Google search , and also the potential effect on Search Engine Optimisation strategies, see the Nett article – Google Search Changes.